Fitness Industry Council of Canada (FIC) is the Canadian fitness industry’s not-for-profit trade association and the voice of fitness facility owners and operators across the country.

Representing over 7,000 facilities with over 6 million members nationwide, FIC pursues a legislative agenda to improve our industry for both consumers and operators.

FIC works with both industry and government to improve the health and physical activity levels of Canadians.



FIC’s mission is to support and empower our members through partnerships, discounts and benefits, webinars and through actively lobbying the government on behalf of the fitness industry.

  • Partnerships: FIC curates partnerships that provide members with resources and discounts for business tools, technology, equipment and much more. 
  • Relationships FIC develops relationships with non-for profit associations, colleges and universities to strengthen the role of the fitness industry to  physical activity levels.
  • Webinars: Each month, FIC delivers exclusive webinars designed to propel fitness owners and operators to the forefront of the industry. We cover important subjects such as latest trends, technological breakthroughs, business best practices and more, always presented by key players of the Fitness Industry or leaders in their field, to raise the level of performance of our industry. 



      FIC creates engagement through a variety of channels (social media, mainstream media, special events) to highlight the role of the fitness industry. 

      • Public Relations and Media: Through a strong media presence, including opinion pieces, blogs  and media interviews in mainstream and trade publications, we share the unified message that the fitness industry is essential.
      • National Health and Fitness Day: FIC plays an important role in National Health and Fitness Day, an initiative to make Canada “the fittest nation in the world”. Since fitness facilities are the number one destination for health and physical activity for adults, we strongly support this initiative and work closely with the NHFD organization to improve the impact year after year 
      • Panels and Discussions; FIC is invited to roundtable discussions from government and private industry and consulted on how to improve physical activity levels in Canada. 



        FIC protects the Canadian fitness industry through a strong lobbying presence in Ottawa as well as in the provincial and municipal governments across the nation.  

        • Government Relations: Through meetings with municipal, provincial and federal leaders, we lobby that the fitness industry is an essential partner in preventing and treating physical, mental and social health in Canada. 
        • National and Global Partnerships: Working with organizations such as Prescription to Get Active, IHRSA and many others, FIC is committed to creative collaborations that provide data on the importance of physical activity.
        • Fees and Dues: FIC negotiates fees, such as music licensing fees, on behalf of the fitness industry, as well as group membership dues for organizations such as canfitpro, providing our members with significant cost savings and access to educational opportunities, training, banking and group benefits. 


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          MUSIC LICENSING: What FIC is doing for the Fitness Industry

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