FIC News & Updates
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MUSIC LICENSING: What FIC is doing for the Fitness Industry
Did you know each fitness facility in Canada has to pay yearly music licensing fees?Did you also know that the...
Exercise is Medicine: Latest Studies
From brain health to stroke recovery, exercise can be used as medication and ongoing developments and research studies...
The Mental Health Dose
We have all been there: A stressful day at work, you hit the gym and suddenly everything feels better. Those who...
Mental Health Benefits: Research and Insights
More than half of Canada will have a mental health challenge at some point in their lives. Statistics...
Gyms: The Future of Healthcare
As new members join the gym, ask them one vital question: How do you want to be moving when you are 90? This could be...
HFA Report: Health and Exercise
Nearly 100 million U.S. adults plan to prioritize health and fitness in 2025, as new report highlights affordability...
Beyond the Members
As we look towards 2025, there is one guarantee: New members are going to flood our facilities in January. Health and...
RIP Chuck Lawson
By Fitness Industry Council of Canada Chuck Lawson left the world knowing he was loved. And he left the world knowing...
The Power of Physical Activity: Latest Advances in Exercise
We are gearing up for the busy season for the fitness industry and wrapping up what was one of the biggest years on...
Can We Finally Change the Pace—Together?
anada faces a critical challenge: only 49% of adults and 39% of children meet the recommended physical activity...
How Exercise Can Be Leveraged for Diabetes Prevention and Management
Diabetes remains a major public health issue in Canada, with over 11 million Canadians living with diabetes or...
ACSM Announces Top Fitness Trends for 2025 – FitBizWeekly
Technology applications in the fitness industry continue to build momentum as Wearable Technology, Mobile Exercise...