Be a (Positive) Influencer

May 2, 2024

We are in the age of influence.

Across all social media platforms – from Tik Tok to Instagram – you can’t get away from fitness influencers sharing positive – or damning – messages to hit the gym, offering workout advice, or pushing through chest day to their 1M+ followers.

But what about the day-to-day power of influence that we have to inspire each other to get healthier?

Every active Canadian is an ambassador of this preventative health program we call exercise. And on June 1st, 2024, National Health and Fitness Day, Fitness Industry Council of Canada in inspiring Canadians to Be A (Positive) Influencer.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of the National Health and Fitness Day Act, which established the first Saturday in June as a national day to promote health and fitness for all Canadians. The National Health and Fitness Day Act stipulates Canadians use National Health and Fitness Day to increase awareness, and encourage Canadians to increase their level of physical activity, and that “it is in Canada’s interest to improve the health of all Canadians to reduce the burden of illness on Canadian families and on the Canadian health care system.”